Thursday, July 18, 2019

Home for our 30-Day Trial

At 7pm tonight, I met my trainer, Jen, in Williamsburg to pick up Trooper and Thor and bring them home!

They trailered like a dream and in just over 30 minutes, Sylvain and I led them into their new pasture here on our little hobby farm - Solid Rock Acres!  How satisfying to finally see horses in our field!

This weekend I plan to just spend time with them - taking them for walks, grooming them and just getting to know them and letting them get to know me.  Familiarization will take time.

On Monday, Jen will be back to begin training ... my training mostly!

This is the beginning of a new kind of relationship - horse and human.  It will be a huge commitment and a lot of work, and I'm in!

Welcome home Thor and Trooper!